Friday, December 29, 2006

A Letter from Ian

Hello! Greetings from HOME eleven days after I had a change of heart and decided I’d like to stick around a while longer. Fifty-eight pounds later has only made my smile bigger.

As Jesus weaved the story of the Prodigal Son in the Book of Luke (Chap 15) I envisioned, upon recalling the story, that of the Prodigal Father literally “lifting his toga” to run to his son upon seeing him in the distance. As I lay in the hospital I envisioned my Father in heaven running to me with a wrapped gift. His Love is overwhelming and unfathomable. It’s like my gift was wrapped up as if I were blind person, not able see it only feel the gift that I now have inside me. What a Christmas I had!

Between hospital stays (while waiting for a heart) my sister and I had a chance to talk to a survivor of “D” Day and Battle of the Bulge. My forty-five days stay in the hospital with visitors, cable, cell phone, paled in comparison to the “D” Day survivor’s 600 plus days on the mend in many English hospitals with no visitors etc. in the late 1940’s. Six Purple Hearts later and an admiring and thankful Canadian was moved and humbled by any of my indulgences in self pity. Our freedom was paid for by men like this.

In the spring of 1973 in Cape Town, South Africa I met Dr. Christian Barnard the first heart transplant doctor to have the tenacity to experiment and successfully transplant the first human heart. Imagine how God smiled knowing those thirty-six years later that I too would recall that ironic moment when Dr. Barnard and I met. What a pioneer he was. God knows the future and directs His blessing toward us.


May I please indulge and tip my hat to friendship (thirty eight years) with my local friend who brought me through the adjustment of diapers and my one psychological breakdown (stir crazy). For an invested friendship I am so blessed.

A friend traveled twenty-four hundred miles to see me in ICU. With hundreds praying for me I experienced a spiritual consistency in conversational prayer that was “non-addressed to Him” but with Him and then answered once with a supernatural event that occurred two seconds after my “talking to Him”

I dedicated my stay in the hospital to my good friend with cancer, Dave Oliver. His pain and suffering was consistently brought before me. He died in the middle of my stay. Per God’s performance in me I never questioned my situation or circumstances only Dave’s. He was a pastor with a loving wife and a young daughter. I am sad and lacking knowing I will not see Dave here again but trust God for His wisdom and timing.

One asset that means the world to me is my MP3 player with my free downloads of Bible Studies. (Book of John in archives) check it out. John chapter two reflects much of what my personality and philosophy of theology is than any section I have ever heard or read.

What Condition, My Condition Is In:

I had met my heart surgeon seven years earlier in his Malibu home. His son had gone along with my son to Nepal on a mission trip in the late 90’s, and little did I know it would be he that would operate on me later in my life. (I felt that smile from God again) Since when does the head of the heart transplant team (another doctor) pray three different times with a patient? Mine did.

With cancer extracted along with the prostate and three other operations I was ready for the transplant. I went home and ten days later I was called at three in the morning with a ready heart. The heart along with a Lear jet out of (Stanford Medical) San Francisco rushed me this new ticker. I received a very young heart of approx. 30 years old. (That’s all they let one know)

Eleven days after the transplant I was released to go home before Christmas. I have been in some pain. The enemy is infection and rejection. I am loaded with immunosuppressant drugs. I cannot be in crowds for months. I cannot eat eggs over-easy, Sushi, med/rare steaks and also may not enjoy my prior daily Jacuzzi and steam baths for the rest of my life. And most disappointedly I will not be able to go to any third world countries. My dream to take the trans-Siberian railroad across Russian to Mongolia has died.


For each of you I am so very thankful and beyond blessed. May you grow in your faith as you trust, rely and cling to HIM Who is beyond measure.

Feel free to respond to the blog or feel free to write to me at

I trust that no one responds with any, “Wow, Ian you are (whatever) because Jesus did it in me as HE may doing in you.)

Just Him,

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ian is home!

Wednesday December 13th at 4:00am we received the long awaited call. Linda, from Cedars Sinai Hospital informed us that there was a heart for Ian. We threw on our clothes and rushed to Beverly Hills. Due to an infant that needed immediate surgery we spent a long day waiting. At 3:oopm that afternoon a team of doctors flew from LAX to Stanford Medical Center in the Bay Area to harvest the heart. The young male donor was kept on life support until the doctors arrived. By 6:30 that evening Ian was wheeled into pre-op. He left the 6th floor, which had been his home for the past month and a half, amid cheering nurses and doctors. The heart arrived sometime before 8:00 that evening and by midnight Ian was in recovery. What a miracle! We are so very thankful for the many prayers, phone calls, notes, and kind gestures. What wonderful friends you are. We felt as though we were being carried through this ordeal on the wings of angels. The doctor, Dr. Trento (the father of one of Zachary's friends) said that the surgery was perfect. The heart started beating on its own without any prompting. To this point Ian has had no signs of rejection. His hospital stay was only eleven days total this time, which is quite short. He was home for Christmas. His immune system is suppressed at this time to aid his body in accepting the new heart. He may have visitors for short periods of time as long as they are healthy. We go in tomorrow (Thursday) for his first biopsy. Hopefully there will be no rejection. Again, we are so very thankful for all the love and concern you have shown us. You are all a part of Ian second chance at life. We love you. Vickie

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A photo

We would like to share this photo of Ian in the hospital with Landon and Brittany. There is not much news today; Ian's blood pressure remains very high, so that continues to be the main concern.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Monday, December 18, 2006

A Change of Heart

Ian is feeling great. Vickie said that he is more upbeat (Don Dunn you have permission to use that one), and thankful for your words of encouragement. Recovery is going smooth. A large catheter that went from the right side of Ian's neck down into his chest next to his heart was removed this morning. Doctor Cezar said that Ian's body is not use to this new heart. He said that heart is so strong that it is causing Ian's blood pressure to increase. Over the years Ian's blood vessels have compensated for his failing heart (Ian's old heart) by shrinking because of decreased blood flow. This causes an increase in pressure (Blood Pressure) inside Ian's blood vessels.
This all means that Ian's heart is working too well and need to be calmed down with medication.

Praise God for a good Day.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mental Battle

Just got off the phone with Vickie. Ian spirit is down he is concerned about his new heart not taking. Please pray for perseverance and continued bravery. Pray Ian would remember scripture when he is tempted with despair.
Ian Sat up today and may eat solid food tonight for the first time with a new heart.

For those who really want to know...

If you're really curious about what actually was done to Ian's body during transplant surgery, check out this site. It's PBS Nova's interactive heart transplant surgery. Obviously, it has been tremendously simplified, but it is interesting to learn a little more about what went on in the operating room. Zach and I thought it was cool, but we're pretty dorky...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

WoW Got to talk to Ian!

This was an exciting night. Ian was able to talk to me on a cell phone for a few moments. He says he is tired and has a massive headache. He wanted to know if the Twins (Constance and Victoria) were still kicking. He is a little dazed, but that is to be expected.
Ian's Blood pressure has been on the rise, causing concern. The Transplant Team likes to see a lower Systolic Blood Pressure Post transplant. Please pray.

I will start to read you post to Ian as they come. He need encouraging words. Thanks